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Country Education Foundation of Grenfell

CEF Grenfell supports local youth to achieve their career aspirations through post-school education and training.

CEF Grenfell

Country Education Foundation of Grenfell was established to provide much needed financial assistance and support to local youth to help them achieve their post-high school education, training and vocation aspirations. We recognise that the cost of rural students pursuing their post high school goals is often much greater than those of their metropolitan counterparts and that sometimes these costs can be prohibitive.

CEF Grenfell fundraises throughout the year and accepts donations from local residents and businesses in order to provide financial grants to students who need an extra helping hand. The funds come directly from your local community – none of it is government funded – celebrating the aspirations of local youth and working to help them achieve these aspirations.

Apply Now
OPEN: 1st September
CLOSE: 30th November

IN 2023

Students Supported
In Financial Support



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